Lots of photos to get through...
Lee Rowlands looking to pass out of contact
Alan Taylor swings the ball out
Jonathan Jones caught by Seth
Rowlands kicks ahead
Steve falls on the loose ball
Lee Barber puts pressure on Owen Williams
Newson on a rumble

One man maul
Lee Barber feeds out
Barber caught
Steve secures as Deano plays srum half
Dai makes sure
Paul Rees tries to short arm Alan Taylor
into contact
Dai Ed adds his weight

Dai Spriggs lines up the 1st kick of the day
Lee Barber chases accross
Line out waits
Iestyn Williams steals ball for Betws
and everyone collapses in shock
Jonathan 'Kick n clap' Jones
Meredith Pugh (left) and Dai Newson try to halt Iestyn Griffiths
Colin Talcon about to pack down
Juice gets the ball away despite the attentions of Paul Rees
"can we have our ball back please" Ewen McLaughin
John Horwood waits (for divine intervention?)
Iestyn Williams clears for Betws
Lee Barber escapes Iestyn's clutches
Alan Taylor looks to attack
Gwilym Lewis tackles Adrian Pugh
Warriors backline poised
The sign of a good team is the..er.. strength on the bench
Gwilym takes kick off
Deano hitches ride around the field
Good support play from the Warriors: Lee Barber..
... Lee Rowlands...
and then Gwilym
Alan Taylor outpaces Paul Richards, Richard Stuart and Nic James
Paul Jones can't catch him
and so he scores.
Gwilym takes it forward
and into contact
Juice tackles Seth
Lee Rowlands tackle technique...
Twist and turn
Football instincts take over, "here's one I learned at Carway"
Jonny Kerr cuts through
turns on the pace
and gets caught by Seth
Simon attempts to power through Paul Rees
Rowlands finds time to have his hair combed
Lee Barber keeps ball available
The Legend: Lewis 'Louie' Jones (just about awake)
Dai Newson bellies towards the line
Kerr kicks
Steve Holloway and Lee Moulton: come dancing
Roger heads for the line...
Streches his legs - a fine run
All the way to the line - if only the whistle hadn't gone!
Gwil slips away from Phil Saunders
Gehtin 'Roced' takes over
Geth climbs aboard
all the way to the line
Roger bithday celebrations
very popular young Murphy
and in - job done
Jumpin' brings up the rear
all over
Roger 'Murhpy' Thomas - the birthday boy in classic pose
Lewis Jones - tired
Dai Ed - emotional
Match report from Ll. StarThe Warriors made a 2nd visit of the season to Betws and avenged their defeat to the club's JSP team with a commanding performance. There was then the chance to watch Wales v France in the clubhouse and another great afternoon was had.